When you’re ready to export your brand, we’re here and ready to help you find Independent Sales Reps in the UK.
RepHunter can help you to recruit independent sales reps, or "freelance sales agents" in Great Britain, and in many countries around the world.
We have close partnerships with a specialist sales agent recruiter in the UK. They will be able to assist you with finding self-employed, commission-only sales representatives in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.
I want to break into the UK market.

It goes without saying that the UK offers huge potential for your business. There are over 64 million people in an area the size of the state of Oregon, and over 5.7 million businesses. A fifth the of US population and almost a third of the number of businesses, in a very small territory!
Highly developed, sophisticated, and diversified, the UK market is the largest in Europe and the fifth largest in the world for U.S. goods exports and the largest market in the world for U.S. service exports. With few trade barriers, the United Kingdom serves as the entry market into the European Union for more than 43,000 U.S. exporters. U.S. exports to the UK of goods and services combined were estimated to be worth about $121 billion in 2016. Wouldn’t just a small slice of that be nice?
Obviously the British speak the same language (mostly!), travel is straightforward and affordable, and time zone differences are manageable. Their currency is stable and USA-UK trading is relatively easy. Culturally we are closely aligned and the UK is seen as "cool" by Americans. So now is a great time to look to enter this exciting and potentially very lucrative market.
Independent Sales Reps in the UK work in basically the same way as they do in the US. They are self-employed, commission-only, business-to-business sales professionals. The main difference is one of terminology: Independent Sales Reps in the UK are called freelance sales agents. Sales Agents are an attractive market entry strategy for any exporter looking for a quick and cost-effective way to enter new markets.
For Sales Agents in the UK, we are proud to partner with a UK-based, specialized independent sales agent recruiting/matching firm. Their service is similar to what we offer at RepHunter, but there are differences in processes and pricing.
What is exactly the same—we share with our UK partners the dedication to providing a quality service to match you with the best possible sales agents.