Pricing for New Subscribers

Full-Service Plans

Rep-Ready™ Plans

  • For companies that need serivces to help them get ready to work with independent sales reps.
  • View our Menu of Services Pricing to help you get Rep-Ready.
    • Sales Readiness Consulting
    • Trade Show Rep For Hire
    • Brand Development
    • Product Pricing
    • Sell Through Mode and Sales Channel Development
    • Sales Rep Management

Self-Service Plans


Cancel Anytime
1st Month
Every Month
Outbound Contacts
You Can Make
1st Month
Every Month

* Unlimited Inbound Contact Requests from Reps
Bronze Benefits:
  • Unused Contact Requests Rollover
  • Unlimited Searches
  • Unlimited Territories
  • Unlimited Markets
  • Unlimited Telephone Support
  • Easy Cancellation
    Resubscribe Later for USD $159
  • Rep Contacts Guaranteed
  • Post And Edit Your Sales Opportunity
  • Automatic Renewal to Bronze Plan
  • Email Notification Before Renewal
  • Download Contact History
  • Upload Image
  • Video Posting
  • Effective Outbound Contact Cost Over Year: $11.02


6 Months
$1099 / 6 Months
Outbound Contacts
You Can Make
96 / 6 Months
* Unlimited Inbound Contact Requests from Reps
Silver Benefits:
  • All features of Bronze except no automatic renewal
  • PLUS:
  • Use Full Allotment Any Time During Subscription
  • Display Ad on Hot Sales Opportunities Page
    (USD $650 Value!)
  • Savings Over Bronze Plan: USD $745
  • Effective Outbound Contact Cost Over Year: $8.06


1 Year
$1399 / 12 Months
Outbound Contacts
You Can Make
240 / 12 Months
* Unlimited Inbound Contact Requests from Reps
Gold Benefits:
  • All features of Silver including Display Ad
    (USD $650 Value!)
  • PLUS:
  • Use Full Allotment Any Time During Subscription
  • Most Cost-Effective Rate on Contact Requests You Make
  • Savings Over Bronze Plan: USD $1399
  • Effective Outbound Contact Cost Over Year: $3.12

Full-Service Platinum Plans

Sales Rep Recruiting

Platinum 1
$4000 investment*
* paid up front
Number of
Guaranteed Hires
Guarantee on Reps
Up to 3 replacement candidates will be presented for the initial signed rep.
  • Additional Reps or Territories: $2000 each
  • Platinum Unlimited Telephone Support

Sales Rep Recruiting

Platinum 2
$6000 investment*
* paid up front
Number of
Guaranteed Hires
Guarantee on Reps
Up to 3 replacement candidates will be presented for each initially signed rep.
  • Additional Reps or Territories: $2000 each
  • Platinum Unlimited Telephone Support

Sales Rep Recruiting

Platinum 3
$8000 investment*
* paid up front
Number of
Guaranteed Hires
Guarantee on Reps
Up to 3 replacement candidates will be presented for each initially signed rep.
  • Additional Reps or Territories: $2000 each
  • Platinum Unlimited Telephone Support

Before you can pay to subscribe, you must login to your profile.

If you do not have a profile, register by filling out the form that starts on this page.

If you already have a profile, click on "Login" in the upper right of this page to login.

If you need assistance, please call RepHunter TOLL FREE at 877-895-2909

You may have to adjust your print margins for best results.

What Do You Want to Do Next?

Search For Reps
The RepHunter Bronze, Gold, and Platinum subscriptions post your opportunity so reps can find you. An unlimited number of reps can search and attempt to contact you.
RepHunter Bronze subscriptions automatically renew after the first payment period. All such renewals may be canceled online in advance of any upcoming payment.

Cancellation means that no future charge of your payment method will occur.

The Bronze Plan provides for an additional 15 Guaranteed Targeted Contacts per month.
All RepHunter subscribers will be sent email notification 5 days before a subscription is set to renew. You may cancel your subscription online before it renews and you will not be charged again.
All RepHunter subscriptions post your opportunity so reps can find you. An unlimited number of reps can select your profile and attempt to contact you.

Note: you can view postings of other principals to get an idea of what others have used by logging out if necessary, then clicking on the Home tab, the Find New Lines tab, and on By Customer Category. Then follow the instructions to drill down by category.
While you have an active subscriptions, you may download into an Excel spreadsheet the complete history of your Guaranteed Targeted Rep Contacts and Rep Inquiries to Your Sales Opportunity.

The format of the download is as a CSV file.
RepHunter provides an 877 number for unlimited telephone support, both before you pay to subscribe and during your subscription.

Our members have told us this is an important feature of our service, and has helped them to successfully grow their business.

We believe this feature is unmatched in the industry.
Any unused Contact Requests from your allotment rollover into your next subscription period. Even if you should end your subscription, any unused Contact Requests will roll over into any future self-service subscription.

You do not need to worry about "using them all up" before the end of your current subscription.

It is very common for our members to use our service for a while, then stop their subscription while they assimilate the new reps they have added. Then come back months later to restart their subscription. They always appreciate having their unused Contact Requests from their prior subscription automatically included in the re-subscription.

You may cancel your RepHunter subscription online at any time to stop all future charges.

To cancel, do the following:

  1. Log in to your profile.
  2. Click the My Account tab or My Acct button. If the My Account tab or My Acct button is not visible, first click on Home.
  3. Click Cancel Subscription and follow the instructions.

Note: Cancellation does not shorten your subscription; it stops future charges to your payment method.

When you resubscribe:

When you pay to subscribe to our Bronze month-to-month plan, the first month has a one-time fee of $399. You will never have to pay this fee again; after the first month, the fee is $159 per month. If you cancel your subscription, you can resubscribe later at the then current monthly rate without paying the initial $399 fee again.

RepHunter will create and display your logo and ad, with a link to your web site on our Hot Sales Opportunities Page.

Please see our Help page for the specifications for submitting Display Ad materials.

Note: you can view Display Ads postings of other principals to get an idea of what others have used by clicking on the link to the Hot Sales Opportunities page at the bottom of any page.
Payment Terms: you can use your credit card or PayPal account on our secure payment page. Click "Buy Now" for the plan of your choice to go to our secure credit card page.

Wire transfers and other payment methods are accepted for Silver, Gold and Platinum plans only. For wire transfer instructions, please contact us at +1 952 314 2483 or email us at
The number of searches and views of reps are unlimited. However, your subscription plan will have a limit to the number of contacts you can request.

When you find a rep that you want to contact, you issue a Contact Request. The number of such outbound Contact Requests is limited by your Contact Allotment.

On the Bronze month-to-month plan, the number shown is added to your Contact Allotment each month that you pay to subscribe. And your unused allotment from the past will roll forward to the next subscribed month.

The number of inbound contact requests from reps is unlimited.
You may contact reps in an unlimited number of territories.
You may contact reps in an unlimited number of markets.
We guarantee that the reps with whom you request contact
  • are 100% commission (unless an upfront-fee is disclosed),
  • are activelty seeking lines,
  • and will respond to you rep within 14 days.
If not, you can request a credit to your Contact Request allotment.
RepHunter has over 10,000 profiled sales reps that actively use our service to find new commission-only lines.

You may conduct an unlimited number of searches of our database. During those searches, you may select the up to the number of Guaranteed Targeted Rep Contacts in your subscription for for a Contact Request.

Note: You can search to see the reps in your industry before you pay to subscribe. Click on the Find Sales Reps tab above.
When you add up the cost of the first month, plus the additional 5 months for the Silver Plan or the additional 11 months for the Gold Plan, then add in the value of the Display Ad, you would save the amount shown by purchasing either a Silver or Gold plan.
Price for each additional rep or territory desired over that provided with the Plan
RepHunter provides an 877 number for unlimited telephone sales support before you pay to subscribe.

Our members have told us this is an important feature of our service, and has helped them to successfully grow their business.
For the Bronze Plan: your cost for one year is $399 for the first month, plus $159 for 11 months, giving total of $2148. Thirty contact requests allotted in the first month; in each of the remaing 11 months 15 additonal are allotted. The total for the year is thus 195. The effective contact request cost is therefore is $11.02.

For the Silver Plan: your cost for one year is $1099 for the first six months, plus $1099 for the second six months for a total of $2198. Deducting the $650 value of the display ad, the cost for the contact requests is $1548. Dividing by the 192 contact requests for the year gives an effective contact request cost of $8.06.

For the Gold Plan: your cost for one year is $1399. Deducting the $650 value of the display ad, the cost for the contact requests is only $749. Dividing by the 240 contact requests for the year gives an effective contact request cost of $3.12.
In the Silver and Gold plans, you do not have to wait to receive the full allotment. You could use them all immediately if that works for you.
With your additional upfront investment, you get a substantially reduced cost per Contact Request, plus the Display Ad on the Hot Sales Opportunities page for the full year.
A profile picture is a great way to add flair to your profile. Typically companies use a company logo or photograph of their products or services. The image will appear when Reps view your profile, and in a few other places around the website.
A Video Profile is a great way to tell Sales Reps about your opportunity. If you have a YouTube or Vimeo video, please email your link and we will add it to your profile at no charge. Please Contact Us for further assistance.
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Find Sales Reps
Sign Up Below!

6 - 30 characters; use upper and lower case letters, numbers, symbols

  1. Note: to show your password, click on the lock. Caution: this feature should be used only in a secure environment.
  2. Between 6 and 30 characters.
  3. Use a mix of numbers (0-9), lower case letters (a-z), upper case letters(A-Z), and symbols.
  4. Strong passwords are not required, but highly recommended.
  5. Certain passwords are not allowed. For example, all of the same character, or your name or email address.

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