Find independent wine and spirits sales rep jobs
Contact companies hiring wine sales representatives
Search: what industry do you sell to?
Best tip
- Enter a keyword phrase that describes your product lines or customers' business (who you sell to).
- Start with broader terms. For example, "apparel" is better than "apparel retail stores".
- Examples: retail, apparel, gift shop, medical, OEM, industrial, machine, auto, wholesale, etc.
- Use your customer's brand name too. Examples: Walmart, Home Depot, Fastenal.
Second best tip
- Commas--make sure you put commas between unrelated keyword phrases.
Advanced Search
- Once you have created a profile, do an Advanced Search, which allows searching by Territories and more.
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RepHunter has businesses, distributors and manufacturers hiring independent sales reps in all territories and industries—if you are a sales rep in any of the markets shown above, we have businesses looking for you!
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The Wine And Spirits Industry
Expanding with Sales Reps in the Wine and Spirits Market
The wine industry is a growing sector of the economy in many states, with investors and small operations opening in order to meet the sales resurgence in the wine market. Wineries have an array of sales choices: in-house sales personnel, online direct to retail sales, wine wholesalers, or a network of outside independent sales reps or sales rep agencies. Each choice comes with its own positive and negative attributes. How to sell and not get lost in a market awash in competition and potential middlemen?
Since 2001 the beer market has steadily been losing market share to the wine and spirit markets. With greater demand - especially in the under 30 and over 50 age groups - wineries are looking at ways to improve market penetration or expanding territorial reach to capture their share of the growing market.
Connecting with independent sales reps or agencies, serving as wholesalers, that have the sales experience, connections with the wine selling establishments (restaurants, specialty shops and retail stores), product training and cold-calling presentation and negotiation skills is one way to quickly expand sales. Using experienced commission-only, independent wine sales reps can help both established wineries and new ventures increase wine sales and market coverage. Sales reps aid wine wholesalers in increasing sales volume, frontlines in wine market feedback on pricing and marketing, and - with their profit motive - keep sales expenses down versus the overhead of an in-house sales force.
Getting your product into the right hands requires strategic work. Territorial growth and market penetration are accelerated by augmenting in-house staff with experienced independent sales reps. Check out RepHunter today to kick start your wholesale sales representatives.
Did you know?
Independent Reps in the Wine And Spirits Industry
Wine sales reps can help wineries bring a new wine product to market or expand market penetration to include a mix of retail and restaurant buyers with their level of marketing savvy, understanding of wines and the wine industry, and their business relationships. It takes planning and effort to get your products from the vineyard to the varied end user markets, and historically commission-only wholesale sales reps have the skills and connections to help your business bridge that gap.
As a winery, obtaining distribution alone can be a challenge, especially if you are also handling the many legal and operations complexities of a start-up business. Having an online presence can help sales in a passive selling way. To speed up the sales process, independent sale representatives or wine sales rep agencies can add your products to their territory and wine buying establishments, moving your products through an established wholesale distribution channel.
Even if your company utilizes an in-house sales staff, wholesale commission-only sales reps can provide you with the sales experience and expertise for your area with the additional asset of utilizing the profit motive. To get your product off the ground quickly and profitably, a wine sales rep or agency can be the greatest leverage point for success. The experience wine sales reps have working with large and small establishments, and knowing what wine buyers and sommeliers are looking for, provide great benefits to the wine industry.
RepHunter makes it easy for wineries, licensed importers and wine distributors and independent sales reps to find each other through our quickly searchable database of wineries (in our terminology, "Principals") seeking reps and Reps seeking principals.
For Principals looking for wine sales reps, RepHunter's database is full of commission-only reps that are both actively seeking new winery and distribution accounts and are professional in working towards the success of their business partners.
So if you are looking for great commission-only wine reps or sales rep agency looking for new wine products, sign up with RepHunter today and meet your professional and business goals.
RepHunter is the #1 place online for wineries and licensed importers to connect with active outside sales reps. Get started today by registering, creating your profile and searching our database.
Find Independent Wine Sales Rep Job Opportunities
Success in selling for wineries, vintners and distributors as a commission-only manufacturers sales rep involves carrying multiple lines, proactively solving customers’ problems, knowing your customers clientele as well as the competitions’ offering. Wine and spirit sales differ from some markets in that potential clients are end users like restaurants and bars along with the retail markets of food stores and wine and cheese shops. Knowing the needs of this diverse customer base is important to success as an independent sales rep. Where can you find lines to add to your portfolio that will help you make the most possible commission as an independent sales rep?
Check out the tips from RepHunter below and learn how to get the most out of your wine sales rep job opportunities.
Have a Story for Each Brand
Obviously the taste test for the savvy buyer is a critical hurdle, but equally important is the story that accompanies the wine. Putting a face and personality to a wine helps to make it interesting and memorable. To grow quickly, new wineries often depend on an outside force of independent sales reps to jumpstart sales with their knowledge of a territory and buyer, so utilizing your knowledge of the territory to help craft an appealing story can be an invaluable part of your relationship.
Showing Up Counts
A big complaint wine stores and restaurants have with their spirits or wine sales reps is the inconsistency of onsite visits, especially around holidays and historically high sales times of the year. For opening new accounts, more frequent visits help establish your commitment and familiarity with buying staff. Getting to know the buying cycles, or rhythm, of each potential client helps sales reps visit at the “right time” to gain orders.
Do segment customers have additional needs you could service, since they trust you? Search in your territory for companies looking to expand who sell these additional products. Or contact these companies about outside sales rep opportunities if they aren't represented yet in your sales region. Identify where there are new contracts just waiting to happen, and add lines based on that.
Understand the Customer’s Wine Sales
Knowing what market (palate) the wine retailer or restaurant targets helps sales reps align their sales pitch to the needs of the establishment. Also, what are the potential for added marketing opportunities such as point of sale advertising or end of aisle displays? One sales rep always kept a duster with her, noticing that keeping her brands dust free kept the subtle appearance of a popular brand - after all wine end users like “testimonials” however quiet to help make buying decisions.
...and always ask for the sale!
Connect with Wineries, Licensed Importers and Wine Distributors
At RepHunter, you create your spirits or wine sales rep profile - sell your experience and your knowledge of the wine markets. Search our database to find wineries, licensed importers and wine distributors looking commission-only for sales reps or sales rep firms like you.
Use RepHunter's simple sales rep registration by clicking on the button below and sign up for free - start making profitable contacts with wineries today!