Find independent gift sales rep jobs
Contact companies hiring wholesale gift sales representatives
Search: what industry do you sell to?
Best tip
- Enter a keyword phrase that describes your product lines or customers' business (who you sell to).
- Start with broader terms. For example, "apparel" is better than "apparel retail stores".
- Examples: retail, apparel, gift shop, medical, OEM, industrial, machine, auto, wholesale, etc.
- Use your customer's brand name too. Examples: Walmart, Home Depot, Fastenal.
Second best tip
- Commas--make sure you put commas between unrelated keyword phrases.
Advanced Search
- Once you have created a profile, do an Advanced Search, which allows searching by Territories and more.
Did we mention it's free for reps?
Basic service always free for reps. No hidden fees. And we never sell your data, ever.
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Contact qualified manufacturers and companies seeking to fill gift and home decor sales jobs with qualified reps who have established buyers in your region.
We advertise for you! Your free Rep Profile gets seen by hundreds of companies per month—companies will quickly start contacting you.
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The RepHunter Difference:
Support for sales reps, when you need it
- With unlimited toll-free telephone support, you can get your problems solved fast.
- Activate or deactivate your independent rep profile as your needs change, hassle free .

International exposure
Reach new audiences and wholesale and retail gift companies with exposure on our international rep database. Your sales rep profile gets searched daily by recruiters, agencies, and companies hiring sales reps.
We advertise to companies seeking independent reps and promote your profile with optimized search.
Find companies needing your expertise—fast
We provide powerful search tools to help you find that next big gift industry sales opportunity. With features like "Find My Matches", you'll be on the fast track to your next business call.
Complete your gift sales rep profile and confirm your email address within 24 hours and receive RepHunter's Guide to Independent Sales Reps—16 years of expertise in an easy-to-read guide—for free.

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We don’t make money selling your information. Our revenue comes from our company members who pay to make connections with reps like you and from nowhere else. That means the only ads you’ll see here are the ones we make for our company members. Simple as that.
RepHunter benefits for sales reps:
- Basic service always FREE for sales reps. No hidden fees, ever.
- Unlimited toll-free telephone support
- Fast track "Find My Matches"
- International online exposure
- Activate/deactivate your profile as needed
- RepHunter advertises for you! We find companies seeking reps.
- Powerful search tool helps you quickly find sales opportunities
- RepHunter’s recruiters use this database everyday
Outside independent sales reps – the BEST way to build your business!
- We make it FAST, SIMPLE, and EASY to find Independent Sales Reps opportunities!
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Find commission-only sales rep jobs at RepHunter!
RepHunter has businesses, distributors and manufacturers hiring independent sales reps in all territories and industries—if you are a sales rep in any of the markets shown above, we have businesses looking for you!
Independent reps—contact companies needing sales representation
Create your free profile and search for manufacturer representative jobs and independent sales rep job opportunities.
Manufacturers and companies daily search RepHunter to find and contact commission-only sales reps. We need qualified sales reps like you today!
Quick start to success for independent sales reps
- Find new lines by searching the RepHunter database.
- Respond to all contact requests timely.
- Login to RepHunter and keep your profile up to date—keeps you at the top of searches by companies looking for you.
- Control your profile's visibilty.
The Giftware Industry
One of the most dynamic and longstanding industries in the sales world is the gifts industry. Gifts constitute a vast array of products, including home accents, souvenirs, fragrances, holiday merchandise, childrens’ toys, and much more.
Gifts can be found in almost any type of business, and are supplied to independent retailers, major stores, and for festivals and other events. For the manufacturer, supplier, or service provider (or as referred to here, a "Principal")" and outside sales rep alike, the gift industry offers huge potential.
If you are looking to improve your gift industry exposure, RepHunter offers a place where both outside sales reps and manufacturers/distributors can meet online. Click on the buttons to the right to explore opportunities available now for either rep or distributor, or continue exploring our gift, souvenir, and novelty industry section to learn tips of the trade.
Did you know?
Independent Reps in the Giftware Industry
If you have a line of fantastic gifts and/or accessories, the best way to kick start your products and establish your lines is if you venture into the marketing world and find someone to help you advertise, distribute, and make connections in your industry. RepHunter is designed to help you find outside sales representatives that can undertake this process for you, leaving you to handle the work of bringing designs into fruition.
Your new outside sales representative will start out by determining what audience you want to target. You may be looking for general consumers, a specific age group, or any other sort of demographic. Nailing down exactly who you want to reach is the first step in actually reaching them.
Once you have your target audience nailed down, the next step is finding the best medium to let them know about your great products. Not all forms of advertising are created equal. Different age groups use different forms of social media and use various forms of entertainment. A good outside sales rep will navigate these worlds on your behalf with skill.
Gift trade shows and events occur regularly in the gift industry, where unique and exciting products are shown and you can reach out directly to consumers. Your outside sales representative can help you determine which events are going to give you the most bang for your buck and even attend these shows.
It’s also helpful to contact large scale buyers directly and set up meetings, either at a trade show or independently. Having a buyer focused on what you’re offering rather than being forced to compete with other artists will give you an extra edge.
A sales rep in the souvenir industry will also be able to help you personalize your interactions with potential buyers. The more you know about the buyers’ wants and needs, the more you can tailor your product to them. Having that information prior to meeting with a buyer is even more powerful. When you’re ready to take your gifts to the next level find a sales rep who can help your business get the attention it deserves.
Find Independent Gift Sales Rep Job Opportunities - Find Giftware Lines
You love gifts and you love helping others get their amazing products to the public. Isn’t it time you found a fantastic job that matched your abilities? Finding gift sales representative jobs, or more accurately, new lines, work, and business opportunities may be easier than you think. With the upturn in the economy, you can find great gift sales lines today.
Finding New Giftware Lines
Areas and niches that a year ago didn’t have heavy business may now be a booming source of designers. However, if your information isn’t up to date on a site like RepHunter, many may not consider giving you a second look as their outside sales representative.
Expand Your Territory For More Gift Lines
If you want to increase your results and sell gift lines wholesale, try expanding your service area. Sometimes just being willing to move one state over is enough to bring clients to you. Territory is always an important consideration in looking for gift lines or lines from any other type of industry. Be sure to discuss this with the manufacturer, supplier, or service provider (or as referred to here, a "Principal").
Advertise Yourself
Advertise past achievements so your future clients get a sense of what you’re capable of as an outside sales rep in giftware sales. Talk about what companies you’ve worked with as well as what type of product you’ve successfully sold. If you don’t have much experience, look for temporary jobs that can help bolster your experience.
Consider developing a standard roadmap of what clients can expect when they start working for you. Often, clients will feel more comfortable if they know what to expect and when to expect it. At what point should clients expect a website? An online commercial? A blog? An expo? Come up with a reasonable timeline for your activities as an outside sales rep and stick to it.
When you sign up with RepHunter, you gain access to hundreds of clients that are hoping to sell their gift lines but need your help to do it. Post your profile to have potential clients seek out your expertise and proactively search for principals. As your experience and tools expand in gift sales, more and more clients will find your profile and opt to contract with you, and your gift sales rep work will increase. Get started today by clicking on the button below!