independent sales rep
How to Work a Trade Show as an Independent Sales Rep
If you are an independent sales rep, you probably know the importance of attending a trade show. Not only does a trade show help an independent sales rep to find prospective customers, they are a great place for building relationships. Unlike offices, a trade shows has an open atmosphere as they are designed to promote […]
Survive & Prosper as an Independent Sales Rep
The latest recession in the US may be over, but as any independent sales rep knows, the economy cycles through its ups and downs and being prepared is key to financially surviving and prospering. Also, the pace of an economic recovery might not hold great short-term promises for businesses and job seekers. However, don’t lose […]
What’s the Big Deal About Independent Sales Reps?
An independent sales rep is an incredibly valuable asset for any company that sells lines or services to have! Essentially, you pay a sales rep to represent your line. It sounds simple, but it is in fact incredibly rewarding. The difference between a salesperson and a manufacturer’s rep is that rather than working for a […]
What Is an Independent Sales Rep?
An Independent Sales Rep, also known as a Manufacturer’s Rep, is an independent contractor paid on a commission basis to represent your service or product lines in a specific region. Independent reps serve as a company’s outside sales, marketing and customer service. Independent reps’ line cards usually list several related, non-competitive products for a well-defined […]
The RepHunter Blog – The Sales Rep Resource
RepHunter has been assisting manufacturers, small businesses and entrepreneurs connect with one of the most powerful sales forces – the independent sales rep who works largely on a commission only basis. We offer online resources for those hiring sales reps and those looking to add new product or service lines and research all their sales […]