Jewelry Trends & Jewelry News
The jewelry industry encompasses a wide range of products and purposes, from the most expensive upscale precious jewels to fun and casual jewelry for everyday wear. Checking in on jewelry trends requires looking at high end fashion shows, consumer behavior, and what patterns and ideas are intriguing designers now. Colors Blue was a big color […]
Lighting Industry News Good for LED Sales Reps
The LED lighting industry is an interesting one, with LED sales reps seeing news stories, whether due to better pricing or new regulations, as lighting is in the energy consumption market subject to standards that change every few years, if not each year. In the case of LEDs, many of these changes are favorable. As […]
Great Sales Rep Job Interview Questions
Great Sales Rep Job Interview Questions You’re a business owner in the financial industry in the process of expanding your lines quickly. Your product or service is ready to go, and you used a service such as RepHunter to create a pool of qualified independent financial sales reps. What are the job interview questions you […]
Sales Trends: Finding Financial Services Sales Reps & Succeeding In Financial Services Sales
Sales Trends: Finding Sales Reps & Succeeding In Sales We’ve talked about suppliers or providers of financial services (known in our terminology as a “Principal”) finding sales reps and then hiring the qualified commission-only sales reps for your product in (“How to Find Great Independent Financial Services Reps”). These are great tips for identifying which […]
Pharma Trends: The Optimistic Pharmaceutical Industry Heads into 2014
The Optimistic Pharmaceutical Industry Heads into 2014 The economy’s slow improvement has meant a rosier outlook for a number of industries, not least the pharmaceutical industry. A business confidence report by Kable for the first quarter of 2014 shows a rosy outlook for the majority of pharmaceutical executives surveyed. 74% of executives were sanguine about […]
Medical Device Sales – Effect of the Medical Device Tax
The medical device industry is subject to one of the most buzzed about provisions of the Affordable Care Act. The medical device tax is a 2.3% excise tax on the gross sales of medical device manufacturers. The tax has led to a fair amount of unrest, and has been targeted for bipartisan repeal efforts. Is […]
Giftware Trends in Fashion and Sportswear
The Giftware industry looks to be in store for a good year again. The economy in general is improving, which means more consumer spending and a rosier outlook for the gift industries. In addition to this, a number of projected trends in consumer behavior also favor gift sales reps and companies hiring gift sales representatives. […]
Apparel Sales Trends in Fashion and Sportswear
With the economy recovering and unemployment is at a 5 year low, will apparel sales trends see an increase? Will people be spending more resulting in opportunities for apparel and clothing brand sales reps to increase? Read on to find out. Early Apparel and Clothing Sales Indications Retail spending at the end of 2013 looked […]
Key Questions Asked by Independent Sales Reps
As a small business owner or sales manager adding an outside sales force, you will be asked certain key questions by independent sales reps you interview. Be prepared with good answers! Successful sales reps know what answers qualify your business as a good investment of their time and expertise. Go over this list of key […]
Sales Presentations that Get Results
Every sales representative must know the art of making presentations that get results. Excellent presentations are designed to anchor all the crucial points that you want in your presentation to influence your listener. An effective presentation is always the one that grabs your listener’s attention and leads him or her to take some kind of […]