Sales Rep Recruiting
Exclusive territories for independent reps
Use Exclusive Territories for your Independent Reps to Increase Sales I talk with clients every day who struggle with how to lay out territories for their independent rep team. There are multiple ways to do it. We have seen three that seem to produce the most success on a consistent basis. Exclusive territories can be […]
Can’t Find a Rep In A Territory?
Here’s A New Way To Get It Done When we were a dominant supplier to Department and Gift stores in the stationary department, we utilized 17 Sales Rep groups to cover the country. We prided ourselves on the quality of our Reps. A number of times we had to hire new ones and after exhausting […]
Social Networking for Independent Sales Reps
As the US economy shows signs of growth and expansion, companies have started hiring experienced independent sales reps to grow their business and profits. Today, there are thousands of opportunities for independent sales reps in all sectors to help manufacturers that are looking to capitalize on new business opportunities in the market. However, finding profitable […]
Screening Your Sales Reps
Your product is finally ready! After months of research & development, quality testing, market research, and so on, you are finally ready to start selling to customers. You may even have several independent sales reps interested in selling your products! Wait a minute, “how do I know which reps to use? Should I use all […]
Assembling a Sales Rep Network
Alright, so you’ve got your product market tested and ready for a wider sales distribution to the larger market. Now to the step of assembling a sales rep network – once you’ve decided to use independent sales reps. Now what? How do you efficiently and safely proceed to find, contact, interview, and hire an outside […]