March 2014
Great Sales Rep Job Interview Questions
Great Sales Rep Job Interview Questions You’re a business owner in the financial industry in the process of expanding your lines quickly. Your product or service is ready to go, and you used a service such as RepHunter to create a pool of qualified independent financial sales reps. What are the job interview questions you […]
Sales Trends: Finding Financial Services Sales Reps & Succeeding In Financial Services Sales
Sales Trends: Finding Sales Reps & Succeeding In Sales We’ve talked about suppliers or providers of financial services (known in our terminology as a “Principal”) finding sales reps and then hiring the qualified commission-only sales reps for your product in (“How to Find Great Independent Financial Services Reps”). These are great tips for identifying which […]
Pharma Trends: The Optimistic Pharmaceutical Industry Heads into 2014
The Optimistic Pharmaceutical Industry Heads into 2014 The economy’s slow improvement has meant a rosier outlook for a number of industries, not least the pharmaceutical industry. A business confidence report by Kable for the first quarter of 2014 shows a rosy outlook for the majority of pharmaceutical executives surveyed. 74% of executives were sanguine about […]
Medical Device Sales – Effect of the Medical Device Tax
The medical device industry is subject to one of the most buzzed about provisions of the Affordable Care Act. The medical device tax is a 2.3% excise tax on the gross sales of medical device manufacturers. The tax has led to a fair amount of unrest, and has been targeted for bipartisan repeal efforts. Is […]
Giftware Trends in Fashion and Sportswear
The Giftware industry looks to be in store for a good year again. The economy in general is improving, which means more consumer spending and a rosier outlook for the gift industries. In addition to this, a number of projected trends in consumer behavior also favor gift sales reps and companies hiring gift sales representatives. […]