July 2010
What to Expect When Dealing With Independent Sales Reps
Sales Managers Expectations of Sales Reps: Since your independent sales reps work for you, there are some things you as a small business owner or sales manager can reasonably expect of them. Call Reports Exemption – If you are used to working with in-house employee sales reps, you may be inclined to expect your independent […]
10 Features of a Sales Rep Agreement
When you are hiring new independent sales reps, the most important thing to get right is the sales rep contract. The sales rep agreements set the basis for your potentially long term business arrangement with every new sales rep. The sales contract is for the protection of both the manufacturer’s rep, as well as the […]
A Simple Checklist for Hiring Independent Sales Reps
In hiring independent sales reps to sell your line, there are critical steps to take so you have everything under control before you proceed. Setting these things in place ahead of time will avoid any delays to sales growth or potential failure of your relationship with your manufacturer reps. Prepare a contract! You will want […]
What’s the Big Deal About Independent Sales Reps?
An independent sales rep is an incredibly valuable asset for any company that sells lines or services to have! Essentially, you pay a sales rep to represent your line. It sounds simple, but it is in fact incredibly rewarding. The difference between a salesperson and a manufacturer’s rep is that rather than working for a […]
Screening Your Sales Reps
Your product is finally ready! After months of research & development, quality testing, market research, and so on, you are finally ready to start selling to customers. You may even have several independent sales reps interested in selling your products! Wait a minute, “how do I know which reps to use? Should I use all […]
Assembling a Sales Rep Network
Alright, so you’ve got your product market tested and ready for a wider sales distribution to the larger market. Now to the step of assembling a sales rep network – once you’ve decided to use independent sales reps. Now what? How do you efficiently and safely proceed to find, contact, interview, and hire an outside […]